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Showing posts with the label AAA

S&P's Downgrade of US 'AAA' Rating

Investors around the world were greeted today with larger-than-usual headline news about S&P’s downgrade of the US sovereign credit rating from its gold-standard ‘AAA’ status to ‘AA+’. Although the fundamental drivers of this decision have been in play for a while now, the S&P report does serve as a trigger to contemplate the implications for Indian business and financial markets in general. The factors driving the decline in value of the US$ were accelerated when the QE programs were initiated by the US Federal Reserve as a response to the economic crisis of 2008.  This downgrade may further speed up the process as capital is pulled out of US Treasuries and perhaps, the US altogether.  This would result in wholesale selling of US$ and declines in its exchange rates. Let’s think about some of the longer-term implications for India: BUSINESS IMPLICATIONS The implications mentioned below are likely to play out IF the US$ weakens substantially relative to the INR (a...