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Showing posts with the label nivedita mercantile financing

Nivedita Mercantile And Financing

The company is a Non Banking Finance Company (NBFC).  It was taken over by Eskay Infrastructure Development Pvt Ltd in during FY ’10.  Nevertheless, the public still holds about 35% ownership in the company (as at 31 st March, 2011).  Post takeover, the company intends to engage in margin funding, funding business activities, and investments in shares/mutual funds as per its public filings. The company seems to have ramped up its business operations as a result of substantial loan financing in the current year generating about 2 crores of revenues and profits of approximately 13 lacs.  This compares to negligible business generated before the takeover.  The debt position, however, looks comically high with unsecured loans amounting to 106 crores against equity and reserves of less than 20 crores (as at 31 st March, 2011).  This is, however, balanced out by loans and advances of 120 crores.  Assuming the company is now engaged in financing infrast...